There is Gravy in Heaven for Cub today
His suffering is over, his pain is all gone,
But the Lonely Place on the Sofa,
The Empty Bowl in the Kitchen,
the Sadness humans feel for dogs,
Weighs on their hearts like a Lead Blanket.
The Noble Brotherhood of Dogs
joins in mourning our fallen friend
But we know, we know, we who dwell
Only for a Short Time here on earth
The Joys that wait for us above
Dear Typist, and Alpha, and Boy,
You made Cub's life a Dog's Delight
We Love you all. God's Comfort come
and help to fill the loss you feel
But soon we all will Meet again
United at the Rainbow Bridge
No sadness, sorrow anymore
And there will be Rejoicing Much
And Gravy, surely, evermore
For all of us in Heaven
His suffering is over, his pain is all gone,
But the Lonely Place on the Sofa,
The Empty Bowl in the Kitchen,
the Sadness humans feel for dogs,
Weighs on their hearts like a Lead Blanket.
The Noble Brotherhood of Dogs
joins in mourning our fallen friend
But we know, we know, we who dwell
Only for a Short Time here on earth
The Joys that wait for us above
Dear Typist, and Alpha, and Boy,
You made Cub's life a Dog's Delight
We Love you all. God's Comfort come
and help to fill the loss you feel
But soon we all will Meet again
United at the Rainbow Bridge
No sadness, sorrow anymore
And there will be Rejoicing Much
And Gravy, surely, evermore
For all of us in Heaven