Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Heart MadPriest

Wow, MadPriest visited me! I am so honored. I want to know if I can ask him a few questions.

1. What is the Best thing about being a Priest?

Answer: When you wear a dog-collar (you'll understand this) you can talk to anybody anywhere without them thinking you're a nutter. In England this is a rare privilege and it makes life so much more enjoyable.

But I have a Dog Collar! It is Red. And I do not want to talk to Anyone! But I understand about the Nutter part. Mom is a Nutter.

2. How do you manage to Do all the Stuff you do on the computer? How many hours do you spend on the computer every day? Don't you have to Go To The Bathroom?

Answer: I only sleep for 4 or 5 hours a night and I'm very well organised. My computer is set up to do most of the work for me.

But it does not go to the Bathroom for you, does it? Do you Go on the Floor?

3. What is your favorite food? Drink?

Answer: Sausages. Beer.

Yep. My Mom too. She never met a sausage (banger) or a beer (especially IPA and stout) that she did not love. Heck, she even loves SPAM!

4. You Obviously Accept Dogs. Can you tell me about your dogs?

Answer: For 35 years I've been training people to look after their dogs properly. I have 3 dogs and no children so you can guess what position they have in my life. I will have to do something more in depth about my dogs on my blog.

Oh, you have to. Think of how many people would Accept Dogs if you Told Them To. You got people to give over 10,000 Smackaroonies to Some Place South!! 'Cause Leonardo Di Caprio told you to!

5. If I came and visited you, would you Give Me Gravy?

Now this is true. Yesterday I bought an enormous, new stock-pot in the January sales so, YES, lots of gravy and gravy for all (with bits).

God Love ye, Mad Priest!

Love, Grendel


MadPriest said...

1. When you wear a dog-collar (you'll understand this) you can talk to anybody anywhere without them thinking you're a nutter. In England this is a rare privilege and it makes life so much more enjoyable.

2. I only sleep for 4 or 5 hours a night and I'm very well organised. My computer is set up to do most of the work for me.

3. Sausages. Beer.

4. For 35 years I've been training people to look after their dogs properly. I have 3 dogs and no children so you can guess what position they have in my life. I will have to do something more in depth about my dogs on my blog.

5. Now this is true. Yesterday I bought an enormous, new stock-pot in the January sales so, YES, lots of gravy and gravy for all (with bits).

Lindy said...

Wow...gravy with bits! That really is special.

I tagged you on my blog Grendel. I hope you have fun playing.



Fran said...

I am in awe.

Grendel you are one lucky doggie!

Gravy and Madness. I mean Mad Priest!

Frasier said...


Diane M. Roth said...

I too am in awe. And my little dog too.
lovely interview, grendel.
lovely answers, madpriest.